The next Sitcom Trials takes place in Bristol on Friday March 30th at The Wardrobe Theatre, Above The White Bear, 133 St Michael's Hill, Bristol BS2 8BS from 8pm, tickets are only £3.
The five sitcoms in competition are:
"Whitecoats" by Katie Boyles
"Shock Treatment" by Richard Dowling
"Games Night" by Ed Campbell
"The Tragic Life of Roger Bulwark" by Luke Cedar
"Making Heavy Weather" by Eddie Robson & Julie Bower
Reserve tickets by emailing: tickets@thewardrobetheatre.com and turn up 25mins before the show to pay for your tickets. Or… risk it, turn up and get your tickets on the door.
Anyone who would like to spread the word to their friends are free to use the flyer artwork (above or below) to print out or post online. And of course this is only the start for The Sitcom Trials Bristol team, led by Vince Stadon, who already have plans for their subsequent productions. If you'd like to get involved as a writer, actor, comedian or supporter, join the Facebook group, and keep up to date on the SitsVac egroup and/or the British Comedy Guide Forum. All important updates can be found on the Sitcom Trials website, sitcomtrials.co.uk
Have we found the new Red Dwarf? The new Green Wing? The new White Van Man? Only you can decide.

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