Manchester Sitcom Trials team, Oct 2012 (l-r) Kate Collins, Bex Harrison, Michelle Ashton, Jamie Fillery, Phil Chadwick & (front) Sean Mason
The Halloween Sitcom Trials took place in Bristol & Manchester on Oct 19th & 20th respectively, showcasing 10 sitcoms in competition over two nights, with the audience voting for, and only seeing the ending of, the winner each time.
The Bristol line-up was
The Brides of Pete-enstein by Iain Keiller
Here Comes The Science by Stephen Keyworth
Three in Tow by Eoin Carney
Mid Afternoon of the Dead by Kev Page
The Princess of Darkness Wants a Tan by Oliver Ley
And the winner was Three in Tow by Eoin Carney

Bristol Sitcom Trials team Oct 2012
The Manchester line-up was
Separate Parents by Dan Sweryt & Jim Spiers
Grimm's Law by Sean Mason
Draszic's Lot by Diehard123 / Kiera
Wink Murder by Michelle Ashton
Randolph Carter's Casefile by Judgement Dave
And the winner was Randolph Carter's Casefile by Judgement Dave
Videos are still to come. And the best Pitch Fest entry? Well, I can only speak for Manchester's winning entry (The Pitch Fest being the audience's ideas, did I ever mention this happens every show?). Check this winning dollop of genius from "Chris"...
Title: 30 Something Wrestling Obsessive
One line pitch: Buying Rustler's Hotdog, 12 pack of Disco's crisps & 6 Walls Cornetto ice creams in Iceland, "Gotta make Sunday Dinner",......... (sic) At the checkout, "What's this?!!?, who put cock in my basket?!?" ....Impersonating the undertaker and throwing boxed spotted dick across store.
The next Sitcom Trials is the Sci Fi Sitcom Trials in London on Nov 28th. You can enter a script by Nov 4th, you can then join in the voting, and be at the show. Why wait?
Kev F Sutherland
Creator & Producer
The Sitcom Trials

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