Both the Bristol and the Manchester shows will be selecting their scripts to perform from the same online entries, so you only have to enter once to have double the chance of seeing your sitcom performed live on stage. The Bristol team will be choosing two scripts to be part of their show, and the Manchester team are choosing three, the remainder of the show being prepared by the performers themselves.
Since this is a Halloween show, we're specifically looking for the spooky, the supernatural and the macabre. You can re-write an existing sitcom, tailored to the Halloween theme; or you can come up with something new.
Scripts should be NO MORE THAN 15 pages long, with a solid and exciting CLIFFHANGER around the 8-10 page mark.
If you want to enter a script, simply upload your scripts to the SitsVac files. First read The Brief below for guidelines.
If you have any questions about The Sitcom Trials you can ask at
The Sits Vac Forum
The British Comedy Guide Forum
or Facebook
If you want to enter a script, simply upload your scripts to the SitsVac files. First read The Brief below for guidelines.
If you have any questions about The Sitcom Trials you can ask at
The Sits Vac Forum
The British Comedy Guide Forum
or Facebook
should be written to be performed with NO PROPS, SETS or COSTUMES -
we're going minimalist on this occasion, since the last show nearly
killed us. Ideally, we'd like ONE CONTINUOUS PIECE OF ACTION, with no
scene changes, and with no more than SIX CHARACTERS. One day we won't need to say this, but please please please write some strong female characters.
deadline is: Friday 21st August. There will be a week of voting (usual
rules apply: YES=2 / MAYBE=1 / NO=-1), and then the cast will read the
top five scripts at a meeting on Sunday 2nd September, and we'll decide
which two will make the show. All writers (and performers) are welcome
to attend our meetings, particularly if they buy us drinks.
Kev F Sutherland
Executive Producer
Sitcom Trials
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