Five sitcoms have made it to the Final, from the 30 that were performed in the heats and the hundreds entered from around the country. Have we found the next Miranda? You decide. (Miranda, Hart that is, was the star of the very first Edinburgh Fringe Sitcom Trials at the Gilded Balloon back in 2001, see the video here).
The 5 finalists in the 2013 Sitcom Trials Final are
Cast written by Peter Etherington
None Of The Above written by and co-starring Lewis Cook
Never Better written by and co-starring Rosie Holt
Situation Normal written by and co-starring Naomi Carter
Theatre written by Andrew Tate
The 5 sitcoms compete head to head, with the audience voting for their favourite and only seeing the ending of the one they choose. Meanwhile a panel of judges, including the Gilded Balloon's Karen Koren, producer Jemma Rodgers, and Fags Mags & Bags creator Sanjeev Kohli, choose the ultimate winner. The final ia compered by Mark Dolan.
Tickets for the final are on sale now, and we would urge you to book them sooner rather than later as this is a one-off production at the Edinburgh Fringe so is bound to sellout.
The Sitcom Trials SYTYWF Final - 10pm, Weds August 21st at The Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe

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