So, the scripts are in* for the Sci Fi Sitcom Trials and it's time to read, review, and vote on them all.
"The scripts are in?*" you cry? "Then why is there a suspicious asterisk beside the phrase 'the scripts are in'* every time you mention it?"
Well spotted. There's an asterisk beside the phrase "the scripts are in*" because someone, mentioning no names, made a cock-up when he, or she, announced the deadline for the script entries. I, or rather he, announced the deadline as midnight Saturday 4th November. I know.

On the subject of Sci Fi comedy, check out our sister show The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre's 2013 calendar. 13 brand new images of the Socks in sci fi settings, the ideal gift from Christmas.
So, though I clearly intended the deadline to be Saturday 3rd November, I wrote what I wrote and we have to stick with it. So I realise there may be more scripts still to come in. But for the time being there are 31 entries in the Files, and I urge you all to begin the process of reading, reviewing and voting on them. Here are the 31 entries that came in by the intended / stroke / phoney deadline:
51 Roswell Rd - David Tellett
A Womb With A View - Andrew Blair
Alice & The Genie - Neil Tollfree
Aliens - Jim Spiers
Apocalypse - Pollard & Blair
Apocalypse Cake Sale - Vic Gore
Area 47a - David Hawke
Burrax - anon
Chaos = Noel Mulcahy
Chimps - Eoin Carney
Clarice - Jonathan Kirby
Country Rock - Neil Tollfree
Dome Sweet Dome - Tom Pinnock
Event Horizon Crescent - Jeremy Limb
Face-Time - Brian Teles
Great Space - Robin Wiggs
Hey Human Get Out Of My Wife - Elliot Loon
King Chicken & The Ning Nings - Kev Page
Men In Brown - Andrew Tucker
Not From Round Here - anon
Our Mutual Friend - Alan O'Brien
SU - Thomas Smith
Space Vets - Jonathan Clark
Stanburg - Pollard & Blair
Starship Impossible - Myles McLeod
The Crew - Kieron Moore
The Princess of Darkness Wants A Tan - Oliver Ley
The Time Travels of Dr Choo - anon
Them & Us - Adrian Maitra
Time Travel Tours - Carter John
Where No MAN Has Gone Before - Robin Brown
And my award for best titles go to Hey Human Get Out Of My Wife and King Chicken & The Ning Nings. Let's hope the scripts are as good as their titles. I look forward to reading these, and to seeing what else comes in by tonight's "as announced" deadline.
Happy reading everyone.
Kev F Sutherland
The Sitcom Trials
Sci Fi Sitcom Trials script entries
How to vote
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