The Sci Fi Sitcom Trials - The Camden Head, London Nov 28th 2012.
A top tip everyone, when you're uploading your scripts, don't bother clicking the button which notifies the rest of the egroup that a script has been uploaded. It just means people getting sent the same message over and over. And with 17 scripts currently entered, I'm expecting a deluge in the next three days.
If you want, why not start reading and reviewing the scripts that are already up there? You can't vote yet, not until they're all up and the deadline's passed. But you could break the back of the script reading and get a head start on the process.
Remember, we're asking you to Read, Review & Vote on as many scripts as you can (and I'd certainly think we could all manage those first 17 entries). If you can, please post a Twitter length review for each script (to prove you've read it and to benefit the writers) and give it a Yes, Maybe or No vote as to whether it should be showcased in The Sitcom Trials.

The Sci Fi Sitcom Trials Files - here be scripts.
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