Starship Impossible: Susan Husband, Alexander Perkins, Rachel Perkins, Myles McLeod
The sitcoms, in order of appearance, were Starship Impossible written, directed by and co-starring Myles McLeod (above in rehearsal); Event Horizon Crescent by Jeremy Limb, directed by Louisa Gummer; Burrax: Bringer Of Desserts by Andy Gittins, directed by and co-starring Nick Ewans; Alice & The Genie by Neil Tollfree, directed by and co-starring Chris Fitchew; and Not From Round Here by Ben Lole, directed by & co-starring Sarit Chen. See the video here.
As always the audience saw the 5 sitcoms up to a cliffhanger moment then voted for their favourite, only seeing the ending of the winner. And that winner was ... Alice and the Genie by Neil Tollfree. Congratulations to Neil and all the writers, it was a splendid show, a video of which will be following soon.
Alice and The Genie: Chris Fitchew, Emma Packer
The Sci Fi Sitcom Trials was performed by Myles McLeod, Louisa Gummer, Nick Ewans, Chris Fitchew, and Sarit Chen (all also directed), with Emma Packer, Andrew Scott Butler, Simon Balcon, Nicola Redmond, Alexander Perkins, Susan Husband, Rachel Perkins, Annabel Bashford and Jenny Collier, with sound by Gavin Heaney (Starship Impossible) and the various directors. The producer and host was series creator Kev F Sutherland.
The audience had the chance to win a prize by coming up with their own ideas in The Pitch Fest, the prize being a poster from tonight's show signed by the cast & directors (see photo below). The winning suggestion was "Chairs - A similar concept to Cheers, but all the characters are played by inanimate furniture. Ernie 'Bench' Pantusso and Frasier Cane Chair are already two characters. But the possibilities are endless." Er, I'm not claiming the competition was as stiff in the Pitch Fest as it was in the rest of the show. Watch this space for video of this show and details of the next.
(above) Andrew Scott Butler, Nicola Redmond, Nick Ewans, Louisa Gummer, Sarit Chen, Simon Balcon; (below) that Pitch Fest prize in its full glory

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