Just to let you know that the next meeting of
the Bristol Sitcom Trials will be this Sunday at the Oxford pub, Oxford
Street, Totterdown, Bristol, at roughly 3pm. I say roughly because this
eccentric boozer has its own special relationship with time, and you
never know when it'll open its doors. I keep telling the landlord we'll
be meeting, and receive enthusiastic assurances that yes, we'll be able
to get in, but many's the time I've been stood outside the locked
doors, in the rain, musing on why author Raymond Chandler never bothered
to explain who bumped-off the ill-fated chauffeur in "The Big Sleep",
his seminal detective book from 1939.

At the
meeting we'll be reading a few archive Sitcom Trials scripts to get us
all back in the groove, discussing plans for the next show (Friday Feb
22nd at the Wardrobe Theatre) and beyond, and we'll also try to
definitively sort out a date for the Christmas Party thing, hopefully
without it coming to blows.
Please do come along if you've the afternoon free,
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