1 - Red Dwarf - "Red Dwarf" is a British sitcom that follows the adventures of Dave Lister, the last human being alive, and his robot companion, Kryten. Kryten is a service mechanoid who serves as a butler and caretaker for the crew of the mining spaceship Red Dwarf. He is often the source of much of the show's comedy, with his overzealous and sometimes misguided attempts to be helpful.
2 - Futurama - "Futurama" is an animated sitcom that follows the adventures of Fry, a pizza delivery boy who is cryogenically frozen and wakes up 1,000 years in the future. One of the show's main characters is Bender, a robot who is a heavy drinker, smoker, and gambler. Bender's sarcastic wit and selfish antics often get him into trouble, but he is ultimately a lovable character.
3 - The Jetsons - "The Jetsons" is a classic animated sitcom that aired in the 1960s. The show is set in the year 2062 and follows the lives of the Jetson family, who live in a futuristic utopia. One of the show's main characters is Rosie the Robot, who serves as the Jetson family's housekeeper. She is often the voice of reason in the show, with her dry sense of humor and practical advice.
4 - Small Wonder - "Small Wonder" is a classic sitcom from the 1980s that follows the lives of the Lawson family and their android daughter, Vicki. Vicki is a highly advanced robot who is capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from cooking dinner to doing the laundry. She is often the source of much of the show's humor, with her attempts to understand human behavior.
5 - My Life as a Teenage Robot - "My Life as a Teenage Robot" is an animated sitcom that follows the adventures of Jenny Wakeman, a robot who was designed to protect Earth from various threats. The show is set in the fictional town of Tremorton and follows Jenny's attempts to balance her duties as a superhero with her desire to fit in with her human classmates.
6 - Mork and Mindy - "Mork and Mindy" is a classic sitcom from the 1970s that follows the adventures of Mork, an alien from the planet Ork who is sent to Earth to study human behavior. Mork is often the source of much of the show's humor, with his otherworldly antics and strange behavior. Although not a robot, Mork's unique characteristics make him a standout character in the world of sitcoms.
7 - ALF - "ALF" is a classic sitcom from the 1980s that follows the adventures of Gordon Shumway, an alien who crash-lands on Earth and is taken in by the Tanner family. Although not a robot, ALF's sarcastic wit and mischievous behavior make him a standout character in the world of sitcoms.
8 - Metal Mickey - "Metal Mickey" is a British sitcom from the 1980s that follows the adventures of the Wilcox family and their robot friend, Metal Mickey. Metal Mickey is a highly advanced robot who is capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from cleaning the house to playing video games.
9 - The Bionic Woman - "The Bionic Woman" is a classic sitcom from the 1970s that follows the adventures of Jaime Sommers, a former tennis...
-at this point Chat GPT, for it was they writing the article, got to their 500 word limit and just stopped. They were halfway through writing about a show that's not a sitcom, and a lead who's not a robot (she has some metal bits, that's not the same thing. Honestly, you'd think it'd take one to know one!)